Ankenman Ranch of Miami, Oklahoma begins...
Our first purchase of Tarentaise cattle was in the fall of 1981. (Prior to that, we raised purebred Angus and crossbred Simmental in Colorado) Even though the original cows are gone, the traits that sold us on Tarentaise cattle are stronger in our herd now than ever before. We have seen these cows produce a very desirable feeder calf and breed back through weather conditions of freezing rain and high humidity and heat.
Ankenman Ranch grows...
We presently consist of 975 acres which produces enough grass for 400 mature
cows and enough replacement heifers and bulls to maintain the herd.
Ankenman Ranch provides...
Ankenman Ranch enjoys raising and merchandising Tarentaise seed stock, as we sell and deliver cattle all over the U.S.
We do our best to tailor our sales and service to the needs of an interested buyer, selling bulls, heifers or cow-calf pairs one at a time or by the trailer load.