Purebred Tarentaise Steers in Feedlot, June 99
1997 OSU Feedout Results.
Ankenman Ranch has
TOP INDEXING STEER out of 90 steers!
The only GOLD PEN award!
...and 2 SILVER PEN awards!
The following chart shows the results of the 150 Ankenman Ranch steers at the OSU Feedout in comparison to the National Beef Quality Audit (NBQA).
In 1993, Ankenman Ranch had 2 of 5 top profit pens with purebred Tarentaise steers. This also included the top 3 profitable individuals. These pens were also the 3rd and 4th high gaining pens at 3.26 and 3.25. They also had the 4th and 5th high indexing carcasses.
Meat Tenderness Test results on Tarentaise
In 1995, 41 of the total 131 steers in the Oklahoma Steer Feedout were purebred Tarentaise steers from Ankenman Ranch.
All 131 steers were given the Shear Force test with 10 lb.. of shear force being a tough steak, 8.5-10 lb. of shear force a tender steak, and less than 8.5 lb. of shear force a very tender steak.
Here are the results:
Ankenman Ranch average Shear Force= 8.41 (very tender steaks)
Feedout average Shear Force= 8.98 (tender steaks