Purebred Tarentaise Cattle

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We are calving around the historic barn. When I went to feed this morning, we had a heifer calving.

I had taken a cup of coffee planning to spend at least an hour. This took 4 minutes!

When the heifer got up, I could see that the water bag was over the baby's nose, so I put down my camera, climbed through the barn and walked down to help it get started in this new life.

Since this was just the second calf in this group of first-calf heifers, everyone wanted to "help".

Can you come out to play?

Still drawing a big crowd!

View the first 15 minutes of this newborn's life and his mother's constant and loving attention.

While we were working the spring babies, this late calving cow calved in the corral after being cut out. I had the perfect opportunity to photograph her progress (as much as she would tolerate my presence)

Average birth weight--75-80 lbs.

Fall 2001, we did not assist any calves to be born.
We occasionally assist in calving, but they are either backwards, foot back, or a young 1st calf heifer.

Needing a little help warming up. They became our Ned and Nell.

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