Purebred Tarentaise Cattle

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photo by Autumn Ankenman
Adjust the width of the runway.

photo by Autumn Ankenman
Take accurate records

photo by Autumn Ankenman
Catch the cow!

photo by Autumn Ankenman
New "Silencer" Hydraulic Squeeze Chute
October 2002

I really lobbied HARD for this item! And it's great. It is also very heavy. I took pictures as long as I could stand it. Until our new tractor started tipping to one side and lifting the back tire off the ground.

I was nervous for the guys, the tractor, and the chute. Just tell me when it's in! They ended up putting a round bale on the back of the tractor to counterbalance. Had to lift the whole thing higher than the 6-pipe corral fence because the chute was too wide to fit through the gates.

It works like a dream. Easier on the cattle and safer for the workers. The weight on each animal displays immediately and doesn't "jump" around. In fact...nothing jumps around...they can't!

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